Lately, rose gold jewellery has been getting more and more attention. In the space of just a few seasons, they have managed to establish themselves as the summer's favourite accessories.  But, how and with what to wear them so as not to make a faux pas?

Rose gold jewellery: what is it?

Rose gold is now a fashionable metal. It consists of gold, silver and copper. This alloy is more resistant than classic gold. It is mainly used for the design of refined and delicate jewellery. Thus, we can find bracelets, necklaces, pendants, watches... Some are set with precious stones, others are not. The models can vary from one jewellery store to another. In any case, this alloy has everything to please. Rose gold jewellery is now an unstoppable ally, thanks to its finesse, to sublimate the different outfits you wear in summer. Of course, they can be worn all year round.

Rose gold jewellery: for whom?

Rose gold jewellery can be worn with all kinds of outfits. They will give your outfit a touch of chic and elegance. This alloy is mainly appreciated by women for its softer and more sensual side. But there is nothing to prevent men from wearing it, as long as they choose the outfits that go with it. Rose gold represents a perfect compromise between yellow gold and silver. It can also be worn with other jewellery, in gold or silver. The new trend being the stacking, or the accumulation of jewels on the wrist, it is quite possible to associate a rose gold jewel with other more fanciful models.

Rose gold: a metal for all occasions!

One of the main advantages of rose gold is that it goes with most outfits. During the summer, it can be worn without fear with light clothing to sublimate them. Although rose gold usually has a soft pinkish tone, it can also be worn in a more golden or coppery version. A pretty bracelet in this alloy will embellish the wrist beautifully. This simple piece of jewellery alone will enhance a simple summer outfit. However, it can also be combined with a more sophisticated outfit. As with everything, it is simply advisable not to overdo it.